The Yakovlev series of fighters (Yak-1, -7 and -9) provided the
Soviet Union with arguably the most important fighter aircraft of the
Great Patriotic War. The development of the Yak-1 started in 1939, and
just over 300 production aircraft had been delivered before Barbarossa.
Sixty-two of these Yak-1s had been delivered to the 11 IAP (Fighter
Regiment), which functioned as a form of familiarization unit for pilots
from the 20, 45, 123, 158 and 91 IAP. Most Yak-1s were concentrated
near Moscow, but 105 were available to the five western Military
Districts, although a mere 36 pilots of the 20 IAP Sambora in the Kiev
Military District had mastered the Yak-1 before the onslaught of Barbarossa.
of six fighters defending Moscow were Yak-1s during the summer of 1941,
and by July 10, 133 Yak-1s were defending the city. The first aerial
victory claimed by the Moscow Air Defence Corps took place on July 2,
1941, when Lieutenant S. Goshko of the 11 IAP rammed a German
reconnaissance aircraft after his guns seized. Despite the ramming,
Goshko managed to land his Yak.
Yak-1 was an outstanding dogfighter. and it was able to out-turn the Bf
109 E. It also had superior roll speed, considerably lower stalling
speed and greater sustained turning ability due to low wing load. It
was, however, slower than the Bf 109 F, especially at higher altitudes.
The Bf 109 could also out-climb the Yak-1, but then the Bf 109 could
out-climb most Allied fighters during the first half of the war. Some
Soviet pilots also found the armament (two machine guns and one 20mm
cannon) too light to deal with German medium bombers. As with many other
Soviet aircraft, it was considered robust and reliable, especially
after the end of 1941, when teething troubles with the engine had been
overcome, although issues with landing gear retraction remained. The Luftwaffe considered the Yak-1 to be the best Soviet fighter, especially below 6,000 meters.
This Yak-1 is painted in the so-called "Symmetrical Meander" camouflage pattern of AII Black over Green that was developed at Zavod
292 in Saratov (Erik Pilawski, Soviet Air Force Colours 1941-1941),
probably during the late spring or early summer of 1941. I opted to
refrain from too much weathering, since the life expectancy of an air
frame was short, and most of the Yak-1 was covered in a type of plywood.
The kit is an A-Model limited
release, and the plastic itself was rather hard. The parts were endowed
with generous amounts of flash that required quite a bit of cleanup. The
accuracy is very good, and so are surface details, but the decals were
outright wretched. They silvered despite being applied on a coat of
Future Floor Polish and covered with Micro Sol, and they are also too
thin, which means that the backround green and black shines through. I
would have used other sets of VVS markings if I had known this, but
other Soviet models had decals that were so much better, so I assumed
that these decals were good as well.